Horroid is an independent game development studio founded in 2022 by Mohseen Yousef in Strasbourg, France. We are dedicated to crafting narrative-driven video games inspired by captivating folktales from around the world. Our team brings together experienced developers and artists with proven track records on renowned titles such as Eve Online, Call of Duty Mobile, and Warhammer Darktide.

We are currently developing Ominous Recall, a chilling first-person survival horror game steeped in Middle Eastern folklore. Players take on the role of exorcist Stephen Marx who, possessed by a vengeful jinn, must confront his twisted past and deepest fears in a desperate struggle to reclaim his body.


Horroid Game Studio


Horroid is an independent game development studio founded in 2022 by Mohseen Yousef in Strasbourg, France. We are dedicated to crafting narrative-driven video games inspired by captivating folktales from around the world. Our team brings together experienced developers and artists with proven track records on renowned titles such as Eve Online, Call of Duty Mobile, and Warhammer Darktide.

We are currently developing Ominous Recall, a chilling first-person survival horror game steeped in Middle Eastern folklore. Players take on the role of exorcist Stephen Marx who, possessed by a vengeful jinn, must confront his twisted past and deepest fears in a desperate struggle to reclaim his body


Founder and Creative Director of horroidgamestudio

Mohsen Yousef

Founder and Creative Director

CTO and Art Director of horroidgamestudio

Saeed M.Raad

CTO and Art Director

Animation Lead of horroidgamestudio

Saeed Bigonah

Animation Lead

Senior VFX Artist of horroidgamestudio

Fatemeh Mojarad

Senior VFX Artist

Technical Art Lead of horroidgamestudio

Alireza Roohian

Technical Art Lead

Senior Gameplay Programmer of horroidgamestudio

Hamidreza Fathi

Senior Gameplay Programmer

Lead Texture Artist Of horroidgamestudio

Moosa Tarabi

Lead Texture Artist

QA and Production Assistant of horroidgamestudio

Roja Mansouri

QA and Production Assistant

Senior Geraphic Designer horroidgamestudio

Abbas Ebrahimi

Senior Geraphic Designer

Senior Environment Artist Of horroid game studio

Reza Afshar

Senior Environment Artist

Senior Sound Engineer of horroidgame studio

Pouya Pashazadeh

Senior Sound Engineer

Senior Technical Artist of horroid gamestudio

Ahmad Fallah

Seniro Technical Artist

Technical Designer of horroidgamestdio

Amin Nakhaei

Technical Designer

Executive Producer of horroidgamestudio

Amirhossien Mojarad

Executive Producer

Co-Founder and Product Manager of horroidgamestudio

Mohammad Mianroodi

Co-Founder and Product Manager


Horroid Gamestudio LTD

  • Identifiant SIRET du siègez: 953 420 031
  • APT 326, 12 Rue de Rome, Strasbourg, 67000
  • Numèro de tèlèphone: +33752372795

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